Decisions, decisions…

Decisions, decisions…

The infamous sage, Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

It may not feel like it, as we careen madly between work, family, and Facebook, but we are considering important choices and opportunities that will affect our future every single day.  All these little decisions taken together, which don’t seem like much one by one, add up to a career, and even a whole life.

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

After a long, harsh winter, spring seems well overdue this year!  Bring on the buds and the birdsong!

As the earth warms and rejuvenates, it’s a time for optimism and excitement about the future.  With the fresh start comes an opportunity to appreciate the simple things – to get back to basics and rethink the complications of our lives and work.